
Traumer og tilknytningsforstyrrelser

“Barnet lærer først sit følelsesliv at kende og opnår først affektkontrol, når en forældrepart evner at indgå i et præcist og følsomt samspil med barnets reaktioner. Der er tale om intet mindre end en “dans” med barnets nervesystem, for det direkte samspil mellem mor og barn former så at sige barnets nervesystem”
– Lars Sørensen, 2005

“Traumer er fraspaltede livserfaringer, og lige så fuldt som livserfaringer kan blive et fundament, der gør os mere og mere livsduelige, kan traumatiske erfaringer blive til kviksand, der gør fremtidige erfaringer usikre og ubrugelige og tenderer til at opsluge enhver positiv, opbyggende bestræbelse”
– Lars Sørensen, 2005

“If the elements of the trauma are replayed again and again, the accompanying stress hormones engrave those memories even more deeply into the mind. Ordinary, day-to-day events become less and less compelling. Not being able to deeply take in what is going on around us makes it impossible to feel fully alive…. Not being fully alive in the present keeps us more firmly imprisoned in the past”
– Bessel Van Der Kolk, 2014

“We think that by protecting ourselves from suffering we are being kind to ourselves.The truth is, we only become more fearful, more hardened, and more alienated. We experience ourselves as being separate from the whole. This separatenes becomes a prison for us, a prison that restricts us to our personal hopes and fears and to caring only for the people nearest to us.
Curiously enough, if we primarily try to shield ourselves from discomfort, we suffer. Yet when we don’t close off and we let our hearts break, we discover our kinship with all beings”
Pema Chödren, 2008

“When the images and sensations of experience remain in “implicit-only” form…, they remain in unassembled, neural disarray, not tagged as representations derived from the past… Such implicit-only memories continue to shape the subjective feeling we have of our here-and-now realities, the sense of who we are moment to moment, but this influence is not accessible to our awareness”
– Bernie Siegel, 2010

“The essence of trauma is that it is overwhelming, unbelievable, and unbearable… we are dealing with a dual reality: the reality of a relatively secure and predictable present that lives side by side with a ruinous, ever-present past”
– Bessel Van Der Kolk, 2014

“Mindfulness is an act of hospitality. A way of learning to treat ourselves with kindness and care that slowly begins to percolate into the deepest recesses of our being while gradually offering us the possibility of relating to others in the same manner…”
– Santorelli, 2014

“Attachment is (a reflection of) the infant’s need to feel safe from danger. We are not born securely attached. To the infant, the world is not a safe place”
– Solomon, 2011

“With a frightened/frightening caregiver, infants are caught in a relational trap: their defence systems motivate them to flee from the caregiver, while at the same time their attachment system motivates them, under the commanding influence of separation fear, to strive for achieving comforting proximity to her or him”
– G. Liotti, 2011

“When neither resistance nor escape is possible, the human system of self-defence becomes overwhelmed and disorganised. Each component of the ordinary response to danger, having lost its utility, tends to persist in an altered and exaggerated state long after the actual danger is over”
– J.L. Herman, 1992

“Dissociation is the essence of trauma. The overwhelming experience is split off and fragmented so that the emotions, sounds, images, thoughts and physical sensations related to the trauma take on a life of their own. The sensory fragments of memory intrude into the present, where they are literally relived”
– Bessel Van Der Kolk, 2014

“For det første er det ikke hensigtsmæssigt at at forsøge at forstå personlighedsforstyrrede patienter uden at tage hensyn til de angreb på tilknytningsdannelsen, der har skabt forstyrrelsen. For det andet er det ikke realistisk at beskrive svært… personlighedsforstyrrede patienters vanskeligheder uden at tage hensyn til forudgående traumatiske erfaringer og disses indflydelse på patienternes neurobiologi”
Lars Sørensen, 2005

As long as the trauma is not resolved, the stress hormones that the body secretes to protect itself keep circulating, and the defensive movements and emotional responses keep getting played out”
Bessel Van Der Kolk, 2014

“The concept of a single, unitary “self” is as misleading as the concept of a single unitary “brain”. The left and right hemispheres process information in their own unique fashion and represent a conscious left brain self system and an unconscious right brain system”
– Allan Schore, 2011

“When those aspects (of ourselves) that have been unconsciously refused are returned, when they are made conscious, accepted, tolerated or integrated, the self can then be at one, the need to maintain the self-conscious edifice disappears, and the force of compassion is automatically unleashed”
– Epstein, 1995

“Behandling af personlighedsforstyrrelser er behandling af tilknytningstraumer. I rystende mange tilfælde er det også behandling af chokerede tilstande, det vil sige choktraumebehandling. Dette er specielt tilfældet, når personlighedsforstyrrelsen er blevet så alvorlig, at der er tale om borderline-personlighedsforstyrrelse”
– Lars Sørensen, 2005

“Det er… hverken realistisk eller hensigtsmæssigt at behandle personlighedsforstyrrelser og især borderline-patienter uden både at afhjælpe deres choktraumer og imødekomme deres kontaktlængsler”
– Lars Sørensen, 2005

“I behandlingen af svære personlighedsforstyrrelser vil spørgsmålet om tillid og om mistillid blive rejst igen og igen, og uanset hvor tydeligt traumatiske erfaringer spiller ind, vil personlighedsmønstret bære præg af tillidsafprøvning – såvel i form af skepsis udadtil i forhold til andre, som indadtil i forhold til skyld og især skam”
Lars Sørensen, 2005

“I behandlingen af svære personlighedsforstyrrelser vil spørgsmålet om tillid og om mistillid blive rejst igen og igen, og uanset hvor tydeligt traumatiske erfaringer spiller ind, vil personlighedsmønstret bære præg af tillidsafprøvning – såvel i form af skepsis udadtil i forhold til andre, som indadtil i forhold til skyld og især skam”
Lars Sørensen, 2005

“Ingen smerte er så tilintetgørende, som den smerte et menneske nægter at se i øjnene, og ingen lidelse er så vedvarende som den ikke-erkendte lidelse”
– B. Van Der Kolk i Lars Sørensen, 2005